Pytest Equivalents of unittest assertions
Pytest is a good alternative to the venerable built-in unittest library for unit testing in Python. Out of the box Pytest can run all of your existing unittest tests.
If you see unit testing examples online or in a book they are often written as unittest tests. You'll notice that for unittest there are different assert statements for each type of assertion. For Pytest you use only the native assert command. Here I'm going to give simple examples of each unittest assertXXXX and its Pytest assert equivalent.
For each of the unittest examples assume that the test is within a test class. I won't show these each time, but they'd look something like this:
import unittest class SomeTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def some_test(self): # test code here
And as a note, all of these examples are Python3. Not all of the unittest assertions are available in Python 2.7.
a = 5 b = 5 # unittest assertEqual(a, b) # pytest assert a == b
a = 5 b = 6 # unittest assertNotEqual(a,b) # pytest assert a != b
a = True # unittest assertTrue(a) # pytest assert a
b = False # unittest assertFalse(b) # pytest assert not b
a = 5 b = a # unittest assertIs(a, b) # pytest assert a is b
a = 5 b = 5 # unittest assertIsNot(a, b) # pytest assert a is not b
a = None # unittest assertIsNone(a) # pytest assert a is None
a = 5 # unittest assertIsNotNone(a) # pytest assert a is not None
a = 2 b = [1, 2, 3, ] # unittest assertIn(a, b) # pytest assert a in b
a = 4 b = [1, 2, 3, ] # unittest assertNotIn(a, b) # pytest assert a not in b
a = 5 b = 10 # unittest assertIsIntance(a, b) # pytest assert isintance(a, b)
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