Work With Me

I'm Joshua Hunter. I'm a husband, father, programmer, and volunteer firefighter. I'm lucky enough to live with my family and our dog on beautiful Fidalgo Island.
I'm a freelance programmer working with small businesses and non-profits to solve problems with custom software, integrations, and webapps. I specialize in moving critical business functions out of Excel spreadsheets and into database-backed applications where the data can be backed up, accessed by multiple people, and integrated with other systems. If you think I might be able to help your business, please get in touch.
Previously, I was a software developer for Dataworks Development, makers of Freezerworks, a laboratory sample management program for researchers of all types. I helped build a client/server application written in 4D. 4D is RAD with built-in database. Think MS Access on steroids. I designed our ReST API which uses the Siren hypermedia format and has interactive docs built with Swagger. The API powers the Freezerwors Web client and gave me the chance to write HTML 5, CSS, and Javascript with AngularJS and Kendo.
Prior to that I was a system and network admin for a small telecom company. Getting my hands dirty pulling cable, managing servers, helping users, configuring routers and switches, and well doing just about everything that needed doing.
Looking for a way to give back to my community I joined the Mt Erie Fire Department in 2012. I'm currently the Assistant Chief for the department, IFSAC Firefighter I, EMT-B, and wildland fire fighter. We handle over 300 calls per year. Mostly medical, but with a good mix of vehicle incidents, wild fires, hazmat, and structure fires. Given my professional skills I also help out with all things IT including building and maintaining our website.
I enjoy the training and the work. You'd be hard pressed to find a better group of people to spend the most challenging hours of your life with. Why so many of those hours have to be 3 AM, I can't say.